Schaeffler at IAA Mobility 2023

You can find a digital press kit here containing press releases and press media relating to Schaefler at the IAA Mobility 2023.
Press releases
Terms of use for Schaeffler press pictures
Schaeffler press pictures may only be used for editorial purposes. Unless otherwise stated, all copyrights and rights of use and exploitation are owned by Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Herzogenaurach (Germany) or by one of its affiliated companies. The reproduction and publication of Schaeffler press pictures is only permitted if the source is stated as follows: "Image: Schaeffler". The pictures may be used free of charge in such cases. The use of pictures for advertising or other commercial purposes, in particular their disclosure to third parties for commercial purposes, is hereby prohibited. Pictures may only be edited with the approval of Schaeffler.
We kindly request that a specimen copy be sent to us when Schaeffler press pictures are published in printed media (or a digital copy in the case of publication in electronic media). When using Schaeffler press pictures in films, please notify us and state the title of the film.
Use and utilization of Schaeffler press pictures is subject to the substantive laws of Germany without its conflict of law provisions. The place of competent jurisdiction shall be Nuremberg, Germany.
Postal address:
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Corporate Communication
Industriestrasse 1-3
91074 Herzogenaurach
Steffen Nieländer
Head of Communications Automotive Technologies
Schaeffler Automotive Bühl GmbH & Co. KG
For more information on Schaeffler's precence at IAA Mobility 2023, please visit our landing page