With the Schaeffler Academy, we purposefully invest in the continuous support and development of our employees, from apprentices to top managers. Therefore, it is a place of collective learning and networking as well as a hub for a global exchange of knowledge and experience.

Develop the individual, grow the business.
Hiqhly qualified employees are a decisive success factor in global competition – now more than ever before. Knowledge quickly becomes outdated due to the ever-shortening innovation cycles and the rapid progress of technology.
For this reason, we focus on lifelong learning. The Schaeffler Academy offers an extensive range of training modules with modern teaching and learning methods. This way, our employees are equipped with the right technical, methodical, and personal skills for their jobs at all times, both now and in the future.
From developing a concept to evaluating the results: When it comes to learning, you are in good hands at the Schaeffler Academy.
Experience us virtually and in live chat on our CareerXperience platform. There you can get in touch with us personally and visit our virtual training center.